Friday 23 January 2009

looking down onto Hunter Street

taken from top of old railway bridge.

hunter street

Sorry for the gap in photos lately... learn from my lesson here... when you go out and just start blindly shooting in a hurry... because it's cold... and you want to go home...

check your settings... and don't have your ISO on 1600!

I'm struggling to salvage enough photos to get me to Monday when, weather permitting, I can reshoot :(


Petrus said...

I enjoyed looking at your Blog - some nice photographs ...

Anonymous said...

Interesting curves!

Arctic Dakini said...

the trees are greening already!

Judy said...

This is a nice shot! Oh, and the settings thing, been there, done that.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Your speedy setting haven't made the image suffer though. You caught the curve to lead us into the shot.