Saturday, 18 December 2010

Snowy Buckingham

The November and December of 2010 are the coldest and snowiest I can remember.
Motorists struggled in the snow, but most people decided to walk instead.



Gunn said...

Looks nice, a bit like how I see English winter outside London.... keep warm and enjoy the weekend!:)

Iota said...

Beautiful photo. Lovely composition.

Julie said...

Yes, I like the compostion of the photograph, too. The curve is just right.

Should I tell you that today we had 24C and the rest of this week should be mid-20s. It is raining a lot though.

NinaRevenant said...

This is a very cool photo!

Exchange 2007 said...


Lucas Kain said...

Gotta love snowy pictures. Especially during the summer. :) Helps you (me) cool off a bit.

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