Sunday, 5 October 2008

Bartlett tomb and headstones

Bartlett tombs
The Bartlett family was prominent in the tanning industry in Buckingham for nearly 100 years.  This historic family also played a role as Bailiff of Buckingham, they laid the foundation stones of the new church on Castle Hill, and became partners in the "Buckingham Bank".  Several family members are buried in the old church yard just steps away from the home they used to occupy.

Hunt, J (1994). "Buckingham, A Pictorial History", xvi, 70.

1 comment:

Carrie Nicole said...

Oh wow, so cool to learn the story behind the folks buried there.

One of the things that I always do when I visit the UK is go to old cemetaries/graveyards. I find it fascinating to think about the lives of the people that lived so long ago.

My jaw just drops when I see ones that have dates from hundreds and hundreds of years back, really puts things in perspective, especially when considering America and how short of a history we really have here.